Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not listed below, or if you need further clarification, please contact us. We would be happy to help.
There are 50 hospitals in 10 states (Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin).
We are comprised of 5 campuses in the Rocky Mountain Region.
600 physicians are on medical staff with AdventHealth in the Rocky Mountain Region.
The physician opportunity that is presented is typically based on one or two different models –
private or employed. Our medical staff consists of physicians in both models. Employment is
normally through AdventHealth Medical Group. This is a large, multi-specialty physician group
that is a sister organization to AdventHealth
Current practice opportunities can be found here. They are determined through
campus strategic planning in addition to a close analysis of community supply and community need.
After we receive your CV, one of our recruiters will review your experience and interest and will
speak to you in more detail about the opportunity. If both parties feel that the opportunity and the
candidate should be explored in greater depth, we will set up a phone interview with one or more
hospital or physician leaders. If there is still interest on both sides, the next step would be to plan
for the physician tour/visit to meet with the appropriate administrators and physicians.
Typically, the process for a Colorado license will take approximately 60-90 days. Please visit the Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations
at https://dpo.colorado.gov/ or call 303-894-7800 for more information.
Medical staff privileges at AdventHealth will take approximately 90 days.